Lutheran Church Missouri Synod


Just click the highlighted titles:
Worship Anew  
Lutheran Ministries Media, Inc. produces a weekly, 30-minute Lutheran broadcast worship service called Worship Anew. Each service includes music, scripture readings, prayers, and a pastor delivering a message that is designed to feel one-on-one to the viewer. Each program is closed-captioned for the hearing impaired.
Mainstreet Living  
LCMS sister congregations in our South Dakota District, offer a media service, which, like Worship Anew, present a weekly 30-minute Lutheran broadcast worship service. Each service includes music, scripture readings, prayers, and a pastor delivering a message that is designed to feel one-on-one to the viewer. Each program is closed-captioned for the hearing impaired.
The Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty (LCRL)  
The Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty (LCRL) is a religious liberty organization in Washington D.C. that serves as a voice for the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and its partners in the public square. 
The LCRL provides input, education, advice, advocacy, and resources in the areas of life, marriage, and religious liberty and seeks to engage in discussions with lawmakers, media, and the public to uphold the rights and responsibilities of Christians in society. 
The LCRL also connects and equips missional leaders across the country through its Champions for Liberty Network.
Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod FAQ
Concordia Publishing House
Luther’s Small Catechism
The Book of Concord (Concordia)
Lutheran Hour Ministries 
Daily devotions as well as the weekly Lutheran Hour message by speaker, the Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler.
Daily Devotionals
KFUO Radio  
Daily Prayer, Bible and theological studies, practical talk programs, sacred music and Sunday morning worship services.  KFUO Radio (, a media ministry extension of LCMS congregations, shares Christ for you anytime, anywhere online.
The Lutheran Witness
In 1844, C.F.W. Walther founded the German magazine, Der Lutheraner, for the members of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). Walther set out of a fourfold purpose for the newsletter: First, to make known the doctrine, treasures and history of the Lutheran Church. Second, to show how the Evangelical Lutheran Church is the true church of Jesus Christ on earth. Third, to help Lutherans know how to believe, live and die in the faith. Fourth, and finally, to uncover the false doctrine afflicting Lutherans of his time.  
Lutheran Witness Podcast
Concordia Theology 
Concordia Theology (CT), a resource of the faculty of Concordia Seminary,  St. Louis, MO, provides resources for pastors and congregations in the ministry within their communities.  CT includes interviews with professors, theological podcasts and other pertinent resources about current topics relating to culture, the global society and theology.
Portals of Prayer:
A daily devotional for all. 
Start your day and End your day. 
No matter when you need it, Portals of Prayer inspires you to live each day in Jesus’ name.
